Anik Kumar Samanta

Lead Data Science and Machine Learning Engineer, Danfoss India | Ph.D. Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur |

I have joined the Data Science and Machine Learning Group at Danfoss India Technology Centre, where I am responsible for designing predictive maintenance and developing federated learning architectures of industrial and mobile hydraulic systems. I have been working in my current position since March 22, 2021. Previously, I completed my doctoral thesis on signal processing under the supervision of Prof. Aurobinda Routray (Electrical Engineering) and Prof. Swanand R. Khare (Mathematics) at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. I have worked on high-resolution spectral estimation, signal-based fault diagnosis of induction motors, detection theory, detection and estimation of parameters under non-stationary conditions, and embedded signal processing. My resume can be downloaded in PDF format from here.

  • November 2024: Invited to speak on the topic "AI in Hydraulics" at NIT Rourkela.
  • October 2024: Leading light award received at annual awards funtion.
  • September 2024: Promoted to Lead Data Science and Machine Learning Engineer.
  • August 2024: Invited to speak on the topic "AI in Hydraulics" at IIT Guwahati.
  • March 2024: Presented a paper on "Predictive maintenance of axial piston pumps" at 14th International Fluid Conference at Dresden, Germany.
  • January 2024: Edison award received from the President (Danfoss Power Solutions) and Global R&D head.
  • November 2023: SPOT award.
  • April 2022: Selected to the editorial board of IEEE Open Journal of Instrumentation and Measurement as Associate Editor.
  • January 2022: Outstanding reviewer 2021 (consecutive), IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and Measurement.
  • October 2021: Sucessfully defended my Ph.D. thesis on the topic, "Frequency Estimation under Stationary and Non-stationary Conditions - A Case Study of Induction Motor Fault Diagnosis."
  • September 2021: Adjudged “Top Idea Contributor” in Innologue Innovation event 2021 at Danfoss India Tech. Centre for advancement of Federated Learning and Graph Signal Processing.
  • August 2021: Transitioned to Danfoss India Technology Centre as part of the official merger.
  • March 2021: Joined the Data Science and Machine Learning Group at Eaton India Innovation Centre, Pune as Senior Engineer.

Projects Undertaken

Major Assignments

Estimating Instantaneous Frequency of Multiple Components Simultaneously

In this work, we propose a generalized framework for real-time tracking of multiple time-varying sinusoidal frequencies of a non-stationary signal. The non-stationary signal is modeled as a time-varying autoregressive (TVAR) process. A non-linear state-space model is formed to truly represent the TVAR process, considering the frequencies as state variables. We have defined the observation and its Jacobian by the modified roots of a polynomial formed by the state variables. Numerical derivatives have been substituted by the analytic form of the Jacobian matrix for improved numerical accuracy. A constrained Kalman filter is then applied for real-time tracking of the frequencies. We have compared the statistical performance of the proposed method with four other established methods using Monte-Carlo simulations. The proposed method is found to have superior error performance under different conditions of chirp-rate, resolution, noise variance, and abrupt changes in frequency. Additionally, we have taken the bat echolocation signal, gravitational waves of a binary black hole merger, and supply frequency of a three-phase squirrel cage induction motor as practical examples to demonstrate the applicability and efficacy of the proposed method in real-world scenarios.

Minimum Distance-based Hypothesis Testing For Insipient Fault Detection
Block diagram

We propose a single vibration sensor-based method for detecting incipient faults in squirrel cage induction motors (SCIM). We consider defects in different parts of the bearing (inner raceway, outer raceway, cage train, and rolling element) as well as in a single bar of the rotor. The vibration signal is dominated by the fundamental rotational frequency and its harmonics. The dominant components result in numerical errors while estimating the relatively indistinct fault-specific spectral components. We precondition the vibration signal by suppressing multiple dominant components using an extended Kalman filter-based method. The suppression of the dominant components reduces the spectral leakage, exposes minute fault components, and improves the overall amplitude estimation. Subsequently, we estimate the fault frequency and amplitude using an accurate and low-complexity Rayleigh-quotient based spectral estimator. The thresholds for fault detection are determined from a small number of healthy data, and an adaptive minimum distance-based detector is used for hypothesis testing. The proposed test improves detection and reduces false alarm under noisy conditions. We test the complete algorithm using data from a 22-kW SCIM lab-setup. The proposed method has achieved 100% accuracy with the publicly available 12 kHz drive-end bearing data from Case Western Reserve University.

High-resolution Rayleigh Quotient Based Spectral Estimator

The eigenvalue of a symmetric matrix with known eigenvector can be approximated by using the theory of Rayleigh quotients. the eigenvalues of the autocorrelation matrix corresponding to the signal eigenvectors obtained from the Rayleigh quotients can give vital information about the sinusoidal amplitude present. The mean square error (MSE) between the input sinusoidal frequency and the location of the peak obtained from the respective spectral estimator is evaluated by multiple montecarlo simulations. It is inferred that MUSIC and the proposed spectral estimator have slightly higher accuracy for similar data length when compared to DFT. It is found that the performance of the proposed spectral estimator in a noisy environment is quite robust and is equivalent to that of MUSIC and is quite better than DFT. Unlike MUSIC, the Rayleigh-quotient spectrum can estimate the amplitude of constituent frequency components and is also faster than MUSIC, without requiring any information about the model order. MSE_snr MSE_datalength

Real-time Simulation of Squirrel Cage Induction Motor Faults

Fault modeling is essential for testing condition monitoring system of the induction motors. This helps in generating conditions that are difficult to emulate in experimental setup and hence can be used to test and validate the fault detector under different operating conditions. In this work we develop a real-time fault simulator of the induction motor from existing mathematical models. For developing the simulator, modeling was carried out with coupled circuit modeling (CCM) technique and was developed in Simulink. Various faults that arise in an actual motor under different operating conditions can be incorporated in this model. This modeling technique is based on winding function approach that can be used for any arbitrary winding layout. The parameters of the motor are derived from geometry and the winding arrangement. An embedded platform is developed for implementation of the fault simulator. This platform is loaded with the DOS based real-time kernel known as Simulink Real-time (SLRT). The mathematical model is developed in Simulink and an executable code is generated from it. Once generated, the executable code was run on a developed platform. Faults like broken rotor bar, broken end ring, and eccentricity were modelled apart from a healthy motor condition. The model is fully functional for all the three type of eccentricity faults: the static, the dynamic and the mixed conditions. SCIM Fault Simulator

Online Embedded System for Detecting Squirrel Cage Induction Motor Faults
Embedded System Progression

The embedded hardware development has evolved and matured. We started the with a single board computer built inhouse. The system is capable of taking analog signals as input and can display the results in real-time. The real-time kernal of Simulink Realtime was used to implement the algorithms for embedded solutions. For portable solutions we switched to a Raspberry Pi. Eventually, we also used an android-based mobile device to capture the motor vibrations for fault detection using the inbuilt accelerometer. Currently, we are working towards developing an IoT-based solutions for monitoring multiple motors simultanaously. The IoT-based framework is given below: SCIM Fault Detector

Collaborative Assignments

Adaptive Virtual Inertia-based Frequency Regulation in Wind Power Systems.
Online Realtime System for Detecting Arc Faults in Low-Voltage Distribution Systems.
Physics-based Modeling of Gravitational Waves Emanated From Binary Blackhole Mergers.
Use of Multiple Seismic Sensors For Source Localization of Earthquake Epicentre Using Graph Signal Processing.

[Details awaited].


Patents Filed
  1. A. Routray, A. Naha, A. K. Samanta, Amey Pawar, Chandrasekhar Sakpal, “A system for assessment of multiple faults in induction motors”, WO2019167086A1, 2019 [link].
Journal Publications
  1. A. K. Samanta, A. Routray, S.R. Khare, & A. Naha, “Minimum Distance-based Detection of Incipient Induction Motor Faults using Rayleigh Quotient Spectrum of Conditioned Vibration Signal”, in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement [link].
  2. A. K. Samanta, A. Routray, S.R. Khare, & A. Naha, “Direct Estimation of Multiple Time-varying Frequencies of Non-stationary Signals”, Signal Processing, vol.169, 2020 [link].
  3. A. K. Samanta, A Naha, A Routray, AK Deb “Fast and accurate spectral estimation for online detection of partial broken bar in induction motors”, Elsevier Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 98, pp. 63-77, 2018 [link].
  4. C. Pradhan, C. N. Bhende, and A. K. Samanta. "Adaptive Virtual Inertia-Based Frequency Regulation in Wind Power Systems." Renewable Energy, vol. 115, pp. 558-574, 2018 [link].
  5. A. Naha, A. K. Samanta, A. Routray and A. K. Deb, "Low Complexity Motor Current Signature Analysis Using Sub-Nyquist Strategy With Reduced Data Length," in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 66, no. 12, pp. 3249-3259, 2017 [link].
  6. A. Naha, K. R. Thammayyabbabu, A. K. Samanta, A. Routray and A. K. Deb, "Mobile Application to Detect Induction Motor Faults," in IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 117-120, 2017[link].
  7. A. Naha, A. K. Samanta, A. Routray and A. K. Deb, "A Method for Detecting Half-Broken Rotor Bar in Lightly Loaded Induction Motors Using Current," in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 65, no. 7, pp. 1614-1625, July 2016 [link].
  8. A. Naha, A. K. Samanta, A. Routray, and A. K. Deb “Determining Autocorrelation Matrix Size and Sampling Frequency for MUSIC Algorithm”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.22, no.8, pp.1016-1020, Aug. 2015 [link].
  9. A. Mukherjee, A. Routray, and A. K. Samanta, "Method for On-line Detection of Arcing in Low Voltage Distribution Systems", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery Aug, vol.32, no.3, pp.1244-1252, 2015 [link].
Conference Proceedings
  1. A. K. Samanta, S. Kulkarni, N. hande, “Predictive Maintenance for Axial Piston Pumps: A Novel Method for Real-Time Health Monitoring and Remaining Useful Life Estimation”, 14th International Fluid Conference (IFK), 2024 [link].
Invited Talks
  1. AI in Hydraulics: Pump health monitoring and Drawing rebranding at IIT Guwahati
  2. AI in Hydraulics: Pump health monitoring and Drawing rebranding at NIT Rourkela
Book Chapters
  1. A. K. Samanta, A. Naha, D. Basu, A. Routray, and A. K. Deb, “Online Condition Monitoring of Traction Motor”, Book chapter in Handbook of Research on Emerging Innovations in Rail Transportation Engineering, IGI Global [link].


Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Pursuing Ph.D.
Presently working on estimation of parameters under non-stationary conditions and detection theory with specific application for detecting anomaly of mechanical systems.
June 2016 - till date

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Master of Science (by Research)
Thesis Title: Designing Real-Time Diagnostics for Squirrel Cage Induction Motors [download PDF]. (a) Setting up 22-kW squirrel cage induction motor fault experimental test bed. (b) Development of low-complexity, high-resolution spectral estimator. (c) Development of a real-time SCIM fault simulator.
January 2013 - May 2016

Dr. B. C. Roy Engineering College, Durgapur

Bachelor of Technology
Electronics and Communication Engineering. Thesis Title: An Intelligent Direction Monitoring Wireless System for Moving Objects.
July 2007 - June 2011

South Eastern Railway Mixed Higher Secondary School (CISCE)

Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, Bengali
March 2006

Sacred Heart High School (CISCE)

Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, Bengali, History, Geography
March 2004


Programming Languages & Tools
Hardware Platforms
Public Dataset Handled

Professional Responsibilities

  1. Chair of of IEEE Signal Processing Society Student Branch, IIT Kharagpur (2017-2019).
  2. Founding Member and Secretary cum Treasurer of IEEE Signal Processing Society Student Branch, IIT Kharagpur (2015-2017).
  3. Graduate Student Member IEEE, and IEEE Signal Processing Society.
  4. Reviewer of:
    • IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and Measurement (Adjudged outstanding reviewer: 2020, 2021)
    • IEEE Transaction on Industrial Applications
    • IEEE PES Transactions on Sustainable Energy
    • Elsevier Measurement
    • Elsevier Shock and Vibration
    • International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
    • Springer Nature Applied Sciences
    • IEEE Engineering in Medicine Biology Conference
    • International Conference on Systems in Medicine and Biology 2016


Outside the regular rigor of my Ph.D., I love to swim. Due to the recent lockdown situation, I started cycling. Currently, I can ride 30 KMs on an average daily. Apart from these, I am an amaeteur chef, have been trying my hand on biriyani for some time now. I like photography, and birds have been an interesting subject for me for quite some time.

My indoor activities include reading novels and watching movies.